
Air India meteorite Mathematical Principles of geometry

Meteorites on the world's meteorite experts or not, for private collectors Ye Hao, as the structure of gas and India is the "thumb print", and this is not the geometric regularity of the "thumb print" has become a classic meteorite identification standards. However, this "thumbprint" from a mathematical point of view, it is actually not a complete sphere - geometry non-Euclidean space, sphere and ellipsoid by the components of the ball on the lack of mathematical geometry, see below:
Development of modern science that a hundred years, people meteorite gas seal structure has not any person in any country to study from a mathematical point of view the structure of these gas behind the secrets of India. However, with the number of available human meteorite, type of increase, and now that both India and some meteorites gas sphere of non-Euclidean geometry structure of the gas shortage appears printed set of rules (important is that these gas manifold is connected India and bonded along the border), see below: